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SPIE Photonics West, Jan 2025, San Francisco, California, USA

  1. C. W. Hu, Z. H. Hsieh, C. H. Huang, M. L. Li, C. K. Yeh. Acoustic vortex-based dynamic lens for light focusing and steering.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2024, Taipei, Taiwan

  1. C. C. Tsai, C. W. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Antidepressant-Loaded Liposome-Microbubbles with Focused Ultrasound in Depression Disorders Treatment.

  2. J. W. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Focused Ultrasound Combined with Microbubbles Enhances Stem Cell Migration.

  3. M. H. Chou, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Non-Invasive Neuromodulation with Piezoelectric MoS2 Nanosheets-Loaded Microbubbles for Epilepsy Therapy.

  4. C. W. Hu, C. K. Yeh. Enhancing Light Penetration in Tissue Using Acoustic Vortex: Insights Into Bubble Cavitation and Refractive Index Dynamics.

  5. N. H. Chen, C. K. Yeh. Enhancing Thrombolysis Efficiency with Acoustic Vortex: Microscale Mechanistic Study and Experimental Validation. 

  6. T. N. Phan, C. H. Fan, H. C. Wang, H. L. Liu, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Targeted Modulation of GABAergic Neurons by Sonogenetics to Suppress Epileptic Seizures. (Student Travel Support)

  7. Z. H. Hsieh, H. H. Tu, C. K. Yeh. Utilizing Acoustic Vortex as Dynamic Lenses for Light Focusing.

International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, Sep 2024, Taipei, Taiwan

  1. C. F. Chuang, C. W. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Impact of Lipid-Drug Conjugation Methods on Microbubble Drug Release and Cytotoxicity.

  2. X. X. Loh, C. K. Yeh. Stimulation of acoustic vortex in a pentylenetetrazol-induced epilepsy model.

The 12th World Biomaterials Congress, May 2024, Daegu, South Korea

  1. N. H. Chen, C. K. Yeh. Investigating the Mechanisms of Sonothrombolysis: Utilizing Acoustic Vortex Tweezers and Microbubbles.

  2. E. Huang, C. K. Yeh. Precision-Controlled Payload Release from Microbubbles Clusters: A Dual-Frequency Approach Using Acoustic Vortex Tweezers and Low-Frequency Ultrasound.

  3. H. C. Hu, C. E. Tien, H. C. Hsu, C. K. Yeh. Miniature Ultrasonic Microneedles Device for Enhanced Epidermal Penetration.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2023, Montreal, Canada

  1. C. W. Lin, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Investigating the Fragment Species of drug-Loaded microbubbles Under Ultrasound Sonications. (Student Travel Support)

  2. C. C. Tsai, C. W. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Enhanced delivery of antidepressant(escitalopram)-liposome-loaded microbubbles with focused ultrasound for depressive disorders.

  3. M. H. Chou, P. H. Chiang, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Enhanced ultrasound neurostimulation using piezoelectric molybdenum disulfide nanosheets.

  4. C. H. Huang, W. C. Lo, C. K. Yeh. Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging for Analysis of Microbubbles Cluster Trapped by Acoustic Vortex Tweezers.

  5. T. N. Phan, C. H. Fan, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Sonogenetics-Based neuromodulation to Suppress Epilepsy Seizures. (Best Student Paper Award Finalist & Student Travel Support)

  6. W. C. Lo, X. Gao, C. K. Yeh. Vortex-Push Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography: a Novel Method for Volumetric Shear Elasticity Imaging.

  7. Z. H. Hsieh, Y. C. Lin, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Electro-Wetting Liquid Lens for real-Time Ultrasound Focusing and Steering.

  8. T. H. Chiu, C. K. Yeh, Y. Y. Liao, H. H. Kuo, C. Y. Lee. Development of a Bias Field Correction Framework for Accurate Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Ultrasound Images.

International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, Apr. 2023, Lyon, France

  1. C. H. Fan, N. Wu, C. K. Yeh. Enhanced sonodynamic therapy by ultrasound with carbon dots-shelled microbubbles in solid tumor small animal model. 

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2022, Venice, Italy

  1. C. W. Lin, M. Y. Lee, H. H. Chen, C. K. Yeh. The focused ultrasound stimulation of infralimbic cortex attenuates reinstatement of methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. (Student Travel Support)

  2.  H. H. Tu, Z. H. Hsieh, C. K. Yeh. Acoustic vortex as optical waveguides to improve light penetration. (Student Travel Support)

  3. Y. J. Ho, S. L. Cheng, C. K. Yeh. Cerebral infarct reduction and neuron protection after ischemic stroke-reperfusion by acousto-mechanical oxygen delivery.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2021, Xi'an, China

  1. C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Noninvasive and selective activation of neuronal activity by piezoelectric MoS2 nanosheets with focused ultrasound.

  2. C. Y. Tsai, C. Y. Lai, Z. H. Hsieh, J. K. Lee, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-Induced Microbubble Cavitation for the Treatment of Heavily Calcified Lesions.

  3. N. Wu, C. K. Yeh. Enhanced sonodynamic Therapy by Carbon Dots-Shelled microbubbles.

  4. S. L. Jheng, Y.J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Reducing Brain Infarct After stroke-reperfusion by oxygen-Loaded microbubbles.

  5.  W. C. Lo, Y. L. Huang, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Ultrafast Volumetric Imaging Guided Acoustic Vortex Trapping Microbubbles for Drug Delivery Application.

  6. Y. J. Ho, H. C. Hsu, C. K. Yeh. Preventing Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Cell Metabolism Modulation Induced by Ultrasound-Triggered Oxygen-Microbubble Treatment.

  7. H. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh, H. L. Liu. Strategy in Passively Reconstructing and Correcting Transcranial Focal Beam via Dual-Mode Ultrasound Phased Array.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2020, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

  1. C. H. Fan, H. C. Chang, C. K. Yeh. Precise Cellular Drug Delivery and Underlying Mechanisms of Drug-Loaded Microbubbles Cavitation.

  2. N. Wu, C. K. Yeh. Photosensitizers Carbon Dots-Based Microbubbles with Ultrasound in Sonodynamic Therapy.

  3. Y. L. Huang, W. C. Lo, H. Li, W. N. Lee, C. K. Yeh. Plane-Wave Imaging Guided Acoustic Vortex Trapping Microbubbles Under Flow Conditions.

​​Asian Conference on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, Nov. 2019, Shanghai, China

  1. C. W. Lin, C. K. Yeh. The Study of Optimal Formulation and Acoustic Properties for Doxorubicin-loaded Microbubbles. (Poster Award (優秀論文比賽 二等獎))

  2. W. C. Lo, C. K. Yeh. Precise accumulation of microbubbles by asymmetric acoustic vortex in blood flow conditions. (Poster Award (優秀論文比賽 一等獎))

  3. H. C. Chang, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Stable cavitation dominated cellular drug uptake by ultrasound and drug-loaded microbubbles.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2019, Glasgow, UK

  1. C. H. Fan, Y. S. Huang, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Modulation of cellular activities using an engineered auditory-sensing protein with ultrasound.

  2. C. H. Fan, N. H. Chiu, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Targeted Delivery of Electromechanical Protein Prestin to the Brain Using Ultrasound.

  3. Y. J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound with Oxygen-microbubbles in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and Repair.

  4. Y. J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Predicting Treatment Position of Thermal Responsive Droplet Vaporization by Ultrasound Thermal Imaging.

​​International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, Jun. 2019, Barcelona, Spain

  1. C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasonic-magnetic hybrid gene delivery system for Parkinson’s disease treatment in mice model. 

SPIE Photonics West, Feb. 2019, San Francisco, California, USA

  1. Z. H. Hsieh, C. K. Yeh, M. L. Li. Improved light delivery in biological tissue using HIFU heating tunnel: photoacoustic verification. 

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2018, Kobe, Japan

  1. C. H. Fan, Y. T. Lin, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Acoustic Droplet Vaporization Induced Physicochemical Effects at The Single-Cell Level.

  2. C. Y. Wu, C. H. Fan, J. Y. Huang, C. W. Chang, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasonic-magnetic Hybrid Gene-delivery System for Parkinson’s Disease Treatment.

  3. H. C. Hsu, Y. J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-Induced Acid-Base Neutralization-Generated CO2 Microbubbles on Epidermal Penetration.

  4. H. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Dual-FrequencyChirp Passive Cavitation Imaging in Brain.

  5. P. H. Chiang, Q. Jin, C. K. Yeh. Fluorine-modified Superhydrophobic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate-Doxorubicin Nanoparticles for Ultrasound Theranostics.

  6. S. W. Chu, Y. J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Tumor Vascular Normalization by Oxygen-Microbubbles with Ultrasound. (Student Travel Support)

  7. W. C. Lo, C. K. Yeh. Precise Collection of Microbubbles by Acoustic Vortex Under Flow Conditions.

  8. Y. J. Ho, Y. J. Chiang, C. K. Yeh. Tumor Recruitment by Fusogenic Nanodroplets in Stem Cell-Mediated DrugDelivery System.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2017, Washington DC, USA

  1. C. H. Fan, Y. S. Huang, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-Chemical Hybrid System for Manipulating Cellular Activities.

  2. H. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Feasibility Study of Dual-Frequency Chirp Excitation for Passive Cavitation Imaging.

  3. P. H. Chiang, Q. Jin and C. K. Yeh. A Preliminary Study of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate-Doxorubicin Nanoparticles.

  4. Q. Jin, C. H. Wu, C. Y. Lin, C. M. Yang, C. K. Yeh. Concurrent Anti-Vascular, Sonodynamic and Chemo Therapy in Solid Tumors by Superhydrophobic Dox-Loaded Nanoparticles.

  5. Y. J. Ho, Y. T. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Bioeffects of Acoustic Droplet Vaporization-Generated Bubbles in Tissue. 

​​International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, May, 2017, Nanjing, China

  1. Y. J. Ho, Y. T. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Behaviors of Bubbles Generated by Acoustic Droplet Vaporization within Intertissue Region.

  2. Q. Jin, C. H. Wu, C. K. Yeh. Dox-Loaded Superhydrophobic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles with Ultrasound for Dual-Treatment in Tumor.

  3. C. H. Fan, Y. C. Lin, C. K. Yeh. Mechanisms of intracellular gene delivery via ultrasound and DNA-loaded microbubbles.

  4. C. Y. Wu, C. H. Fan, R. Y. Huang, C. W. Chang, C. K. Yeh. SPIO-PEI-pDNA Complex Loaded Microbubbles for Ultrasound-based Gene Therapy in Brain.

SPIE Technologies and Applications of Structured Light, Apr. 2017, Yokohama, Japan

  1. Y. H. Liu, J. W. Zhang, C. K. Yeh, K. C. Wei, H. L. Liu, M. T. Tsai. Contrast-enhanced optical coherence microangiography with acoustic-actuated microbubbles. 

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2016, Tours, France

  1. C. H. Fan, Y. H. Cheng, C. Y. Ting, Y. J. Ho, P. H. Hsu, H. L. Liu, C. K. Yeh. SPIO-DOX-Microbubble Complex with Ultrasound for MRI Image-Guided Drug Delivery in a Rat Glioma Model. 

  2. Q. Jin, S. T. Kang, C. Y. Lin, C. M. Yang, C. K. Yeh. Superhydrophobic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Ultrasound Contrast Agents.

  3. Y. J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Combination of Anti-Angiogenesis Treatment And Chemotherapy in Solid Tumors by Using Drug-Loaded Nanodroplets Vaporization.

  4. W. C. Lo, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Transverse manipulation of microbubbles using acoustic-vortex tweezers.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2015, Taipei, Taiwan

  1. C. H. Fan, C. Y. Ting, E. L. Chang, H. L. Liu, H. L. Chan, Y. Y. Chen, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-Triggered and Targeted Gene Delivery by Using Cationic Microbubbles to Enhance GDNF Gene Transfection in a Rat Parkinson's Disease Model.

  2. S. T. Kang, T. L. Chang, C. K. Yeh. High-Speed Fluorescence Microscopy of Near-Wall Shedding of Drug-Lipid Complexes from Phase Change Droplets.

  3. W. C. Lo, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Transverse Manipulation of Microbubbles using Acoustic-Vortex Tweezers.

  4. Y. J. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Improvement of Drug Penetration in Solid Tumors by Vascular Disruption with Acoustic Nanodroplet Vaporization.

​​IEEE EMBC Conference, Aug. 2015, Milan, Italy

  1. E. L. Chang, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-Mediated Gene Therapy using Antiangiogenesis Targeted Microbubbles in Brain Tumors.

  2. S. T. Kang, W. P. Kao, C. K. Yeh. Acoustic Characterization of the Physical Dynamics of Single Phase-Change Droplets.

  3. W. C. Lo, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Two-Dimensional Microbubble Collection in an Acoustic Vortex.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2014, Chicago, USA

  1. E. L. Chang, C. Y. Ting, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-mediated Gene Delivery by Using Folic Acid-modified Cationic Microbubbles.

  2. S. T. Kang, J. L. Lin, C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. Regulating Nonlinear Properties of Lipid-Coated Microbubbles Using Polymer Network Scaffolds for Ultrasound Drug Delivery Applications.

  3. T. L. Chang, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. High-Speed Fluorescence Imaging of Ultrasound-Triggered Drug Release from Phase-Change Droplets.

  4. W. P. Kao, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Effects of Ultrasound Parameters on the Acoustic Characteristics of Phase-Change Droplets.

The 6th Asian Conference on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, May 2014, Yokohama, Japan

  1. S. T. Kang, J. L. Lin, C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. Polymer-Phospholipid composite microbubbles for ultrasound drug delivery. (Poster Award)

  2. C. Y. Ting, C. H. Wang, E. L. Chang, C. K. Yeh. Synthesizing cationic microbubbles for improving ultrasound-triggered and targeted gene delivery. (Poster Award)

  3. C. H. Fan, Y. H. Cheng, H.L. Liu, C. K. Yeh. SPIO-DOX complex loaded microbubbles for concurrent MRI imaging and ultrasound-based drug delivery.

  4. C. H. Wang, H. J. Chiou, C. K. Yeh. 3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging for evaluating the nanobubble-assisted drug delivery.

The 9th IEEE-NEMS, Apr. 2014, Hawaii, USA

  1. A. H. Liao, W. C. Ma, H. C. Chuang, C. K. Yeh. C. C. Huang, The efficiency of transdermal α-Arbutin delivery after albumin microbubbles treatment with ultrasound in mice.

  2. H. C. Chuang, W. H. Lai, C. C. Huang, A. H. Liao, C. K. Yeh. Fabrication of through-silicon vias (TSV) by nickel electroplating in supercritical CO2.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Jul. 2013, Prague, Czech Republic

  1. T. T. Kuo, M. R. Lee, Y. Y. Liao, W. N. Lee, Y. W. Hsu, J. P. Chen, C. K Yeh. Assessment of median nerve mobility by ultrasound dynamic imaging in carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis.

  2. C. H. Fan, Y. K. Hsieh, C. Y. Ting, H. L Liu, C. F. Wang, C. K. Yeh. High-Sensitivity Distribution Mapping of Iron, Zinc and Copper during SPIO-Microbubbles Facilitated Focused Ultrasound Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening via Laser Ablation/Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.

  3. C. Y. Ting, C. H. Fan, W H Lin, W. Y. Chai, H. L. Liu, T. C. Yen, C. K. Yeh. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging for the Detection of Transient Dynamics of Blood-Brain Barrier Opening Induced by Focused Ultrasound.

  4. Y. J. Ho, J. J. Chen, C. K. Yeh. Improving Tumor Accumulation with SPIO-Loaded Acoustic Nanodroplets and Magnetic Targeting.

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jul. 2013, Osaka, Japan

  1. W. H. Lin; C. H. Fan, C. Y. Ting, H. L. Liu, C. K. Yeh, Dynamic perfusion assessment by contrast-enhanced ultrasound in blood-brain barrier disruption.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2012, Dresden, Germany

  1. C. H. Fan, H. J. Lin, C. Y. Ting, H. L. Liu, T. C. Yen, C. K. Yeh. Superparamagnetic iron-oxide drug-loading microbubbles for concurrent magnetic resonance monitoring and imaging focused-ultrasound enhanced brain-tumor drug delivery.

  2. C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide/Drug Complex-embedded Droplets for Bi-model Imaging and Enhanced Targeted Therapy.

  3. C. Y. Ting, C. H. Fan, H. L. Liu, C. Y. Huang, T. C. Yen, K. C. Wei, C. K. Yeh. Targeted drug-loading microbubbles with focused ultrasound induced blood-brain barrier disruption for glioma treatment.

  4. S. T. Kang, Y. L. Luo, Y. F. Huang, C. K. Yeh. DNA-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles for Ultrasound Targeted Drug Delivery.

  5. Y. C. Lin, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Erosion of Tissue Mimicking Phantom by Acoustic Droplet Vaporizatio. 

  6. Y. L. Huang, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Effects of Acoustic Parameters on Acoustically-Vaporized Droplets under Dynamic Flow Conditions.

IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Jan. 2012, Hong Kong, China

  1. Y. Y. Liao, C. H. Li, C. K. Yeh. Discrimination of Breast Tumors Using Strain-Compounding Technique with Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA

  1. C. C. Shen, H. H. Wu, C. K. Yeh. Clutter Suppression for Harmonic Doppler Detection in Swept-Scan High- Frequency System.

  2. C. H. Fan, H. L. Liu, T. C. Yen, C. K. Yeh. Focused Ultrasound with Submicron Bubbles Producing Inertial Cavitation Suppression in Blood-Brain Barrier Opening Application.

  3. C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. Using Fluidity Regulation to Control Size Distribution of Lipid-coated Bubbles.

  4. C. H. Wang, Y. S. Lee, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. A Targeting Therapy Strategy by Aptamer-Conjugated and Drug-Loaded Droplets.

  5. C. Y. Ting, C. H. Fan, H. L. Liu, T. C. Yen, C. K. Yeh. Delivery of Drug-Loaded Microbubbles and Disruption of Blood-Brain Barrier by Focused Ultrasound in a Xenograft Rat Glioma Model.

  6. J. J. Chen, C. S. Chiang, J. H. Hong, C. K. Yeh. Characterize the Vasculatures Distribution of Murine Tumors Between Center and Peripheral Regions Based on Doppler Ultrasound and Immunofluorescent Analysis.

  7. S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Acoustically-Triggered Droplet Vaporization in Macrophages for Hypoxic-Tumor Therapy.

  8. Y. H. Lee, C. H. Wang, S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Feasibility Study of Using Macrophages as Drug Delivery Carriers for Drug-Loaded Phase-Change Droplets.

The 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Aug. 2011, Tainan, Taiwan

  1. C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. Controlling the Size Distribution of Lipid-Coated Bubbles via Fluidity Regulation.

  2. S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. Ultrasound-Triggered Vaporization of Perfluorocarbon Droplets in Macrophages for Drug Delivery Applications. (Young Investigator Award)

  3. Y. Y. Liao, C. H. Li, P. H. Tsui, C. K. Yeh. Detection Microcalcifications in Breast Tumor by Strain-Compounding Nakagami Image.

  4. J. J. Chen, Y. H. Lin, C. S. Chiang, J. H. Hong, C. K. Yeh. Quantitative Characterization of Tumor Vasculature Derived from Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis Using Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Image.

  5. C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Inertial Cavitation Suppression Can Provide Harmless Focused-Ultrasound Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening Without Inducing Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2010, San Diego, California, USA

  1. C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. One-Step Covalently Conjugated Aptamer Microbubbles for Ultrasound Targeted Imaging.

  2. C. Y. Ting, C. H. Fan, C. K. Yeh. Detection of Transient Ischemia and Hemorrhage in Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption by High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging.

  3. J. J. Chen, Y. H. Lin, C. S. Chiang, J. H. Hong, C. K. Yeh. Characterization of Tumor Vasculature Derived from Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis by High-Frequency Three-Dimensional Doppler Ultrasound.

  4. T. Y. Huang, C. K. Yeh. Dual-Frequency Excitation Enhances Targeted Delivery of Ultrasound Microbubbles.

  5. Y. Y. Liao, C. K. Yeh. An Integrated Approach Based on Morphology, Texture, and Backscattering-Statistics for Distinguishing Between Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors.

World Molecular Imaging Congress, Sep. 2010, Kyoto, Japan

  1. C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. One-step Synthesis of Covalently Conjugated Aptamer Microbubbles.

  2. T. Y. Huang, C. K. Yeh. Enhancement of Microbubbles Targeting Efficiency by Dual-Frequency Excitation.

  3. S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. A Maleimide-Based Phantom Model for Ultrasound Targeted Imaging.

3rd Hsinchu-Tsukuba Joint Workshop on Nano and Bio-related Materials and Technologies, Apr. 2010, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  1. C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. One-Step Synthesis of Aptamer Conjugated Microbubbles.

  2. S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. A Maleimide-Based In-Vitro Model for Studying Ultrasound.  (Best Poster Award)

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2009, Roma, Italy

  1. C. H. Cheng, C. C. Shen, C. K. Yeh. Phase-Dependent Dual-Frequency Contrast Imaging.

  2. C. H. Fan, P. H. Hsu, H. L. Liu, C. K. Yeh. Detection of Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption by Contrast-Enhanced High Frequency Ultrasound Image: Small Animals Study.

  3. S. T. Kang, C. K. Yeh. A Theoretical Potential-Well Model of Acoustic Tweezers.

  4. Y. Y. Liao, P. H. Tsui, C. C. Chang, C. K. Yeh. Classification of Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors by the Contour Analysis and Scatterers Characterization.

2nd Tsukuba-Hsinchu Bilateral Symposium on Advanced Materials Science and Technology, Oct. 2009, Tsukuba, Japan

  1. C. H. Wang, J. J. Chen, C. K. Yeh. Synthesis and Characterization of Lipid-Microbubble in Ultrasound Targeting Image. (Excellent Poster Award)

  2. J. J. Chen, C. H. Wang, C. K. Yeh. High-Frequency Ultrasound Targeted Imaging in Small Animals Study.

​​IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Nov. 2008, Beijing, China

  1. C. K. Yeh, Y. J. Yue, W. S. Chen. A Compound Ultrasound Imaging Strategy in Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis.

  2. M. L. Li, Y. C. Kuo, C. K. Yeh. Radial-Modulation Chirp Imaging for High-Resolution Contrast Detection.

  3. S. T. Kang, H. C. Ting, C. K. Yeh.  A Theoretical Time-Course Model of Acoustic Tweezers: Pulse-Wave Mode.

  4. S. Y. Su, C. C. Shen, C. K. Yeh. Microbubble Detection by Dual-High-Frequency Ultrasound Excitation.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2007, New York, USA

  1. P. S. Tsui, M. L. Li, C. C. Chang, C. K. Yeh. Imaging Microbubble Destruction/Replenishment with Nakagami Distribution.

  2. M. L. Li, J. J. Lu, J. J. Chen, C. K. Yeh. In Vivo Blood Flow Imaging of Achilles Tendon in Mice with High Frequency Ultrasound.

  3. S. C. Lu, J. A. Ho, C. K. Yeh. Echogenic Liposomes in High Frequency Ultrasound Imaging.

  4. H. C. Ting, C. K. Yeh. A Theoretical Time-Course Study of Acoustic Tweezers.

SPIE Proceedings, Medical Imaging: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, Feb. 2007, San Diego, USA

  1. S. Y. Lu, Y. S. Chen, C. K. Yeh. A New Contrast-Assisted Method in Microcirculation Volumetric Flow Assessment.

  2. C. K. Yeh, S. J. Miou, W. C. Fan, Y. S. Chen. Automatic Ultrasonic Breast Lesions Detection Using Support Vector Machine Based Algorithm.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2006, Vancouver, Canada

  1. C. K. Yeh, C. H. Chunh, C. C. Chuang. A Novel Multi-Focus Image Reconstruction Technique in High Frequency Ultrasound.

  2. S. Y. Su, W. S. Chen, C. K. Yeh. Effect of Acoustic Insonation Parameters on Ultrasonic Contrast Agents Destruction.

9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, Jun. 2006, Seoul, Korea

  1. C. K. Yeh, C. C. Chuang, C. H. Chunh. A New High-Frequency Ultrasonic Imaging System.

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Jan 2006, Shanghai, China

  1. C. K. Yeh, S. Y. Lu, and W. S. Chen. The Correlation-based Algorithm to Perfusion Assessment in Ultrasound Image.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2005, Rotterdam, Netherlands

  1. P. M. Ma, W. S. Chen, C. K. Yeh, M. S. Chen. The Generation of Inertial Cavitation in Constrained Media, in-vitro and ex-vivo Investigations.

  2. C. K. Yeh, Y. S. Chen, W. Z. Fan, W. S. Chen. A Novel Method for Automatic Contour Extraction of Ultrasonic Breast Lesions.

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Aug. 2005, Shanghai, China

  1. C. K. Yeh, S. Y. Lu, W. S. Chen. The Correlation-based Algorithm to Perfusion Assessment in Ultrasound Image.

4th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, Aug. 2004, Kyoto, Japan

  1. W. S. Chen, P. M. Ma, H. L. Liu, C. K. Yeh, A novel method estimate focal size of two confocal HIFU transducers.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

  1. C. K. Yeh, D. E. Kruse, M. C. Lim, D. E. Redline, K. W. Ferrara. A new high frequency destruction/reperfusion system.

  2. D. E. Kruse, C. K. Yeh, K. W. Ferrara. A new imaging strategy utilizing wideband transient response of ultrasound contrast agents. (Paper Award)

The 8th US Contrast Research Symposium, 2003, San Diego, USA

  1. C. K. Yeh, D. E. Kruse, K. W. Ferrara. A new high frequency destruction/reperfusion system with preliminary results.

SPIE Proceedings, Medical Imaging: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, Feb. 2003, San Diego, USA

  1. C. K. Yeh, P. C. Li. Contrast-based flow measurements using both inflow and outflow time–intensities. (Cum Laude Award)

23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Oct. 2001, Istanbul, Turkey

  1. C. K. Yeh, S. W. Wang, P. C. Li. Contrast-based ultrasonic blood flow measurements based on inflow/outflow time intensities.

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2000, Puerto Rico, USA

  1. C. K. Yeh, P. C. Li. Doppler angle estimation using the AR spectrum model.

The 2nd Medical Engineering Week of the World, 1996, Taipei, Taiwan

  1. C. K. Yeh, J. J. Chen, C. H. Sheu, J. J. Tsai. Modified Dipole Modeling in Localization of Mesio-Temporal Epileptogenic Focus.

300044 新竹市光復路二段101號 生醫工程與環境科學系 R422/406B

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences

101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.


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