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Patent name

Device and Method for Improving Light Penetration



Patent family



Zong-Han Hsieh, Hui Tu, Chih-Kuang Yeh,

謝宗翰, 𡍼琇惠, 葉秩光


A device and method for improving light penetration is provided and applied to human tissues for biophotonics technology.

When a laser beam penetrates a tissue inside a human body for biophotonics technology, ultrasounds generated by a high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) probe are focused to form an acoustic vortex around a forward path of the laser beam, causing the laser beam to pass through a central silent vortex action region of the acoustic vortex. A virtual optical waveguide is formed on surrounding tissues in the forward path of the laser beam through the acoustic vortex, to increase fluence of the laser beam through the acoustic vortex, and improve light penetration of the laser beam.


一種提高光穿透性的裝置及其方法,應用於人體的組織進行生醫光電技術,在該雷射光穿透至人體內部的組織進行生醫光電技術時,透過一高強度聚焦超音波(High intensity focused ultrasound, HIFU)探頭產生的超音波聚焦形成一聲渦旋結構(Acoustic vortex)位於上述組織中該雷射光前進路徑的周圍,使該雷射光穿過該聲渦旋結構中央無聲渦作用區。通過該聲渦旋結構在該雷射光前進的路徑上使其周圍的組織形成虛擬光波導,增加該雷射光通過該聲渦旋結構的光通量,提高該雷射光的光穿透性。

300044 新竹市光復路二段101號 生醫工程與環境科學系 R422/406B

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences

101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.


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